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Rice paddy Farming + Online Seminar

Course Structure

Online Seminars

Online Seminar 1: Land, rice and Human

We will look at the origin of rice cultivation and see how rice paddy influence our evolution, behaviour and society from an anthropology approach.


Date: 8/7 (Thu)

Time: 7:30pm - 8:45pm

This programme will be run in Cantonese. However, if you cannot speak Cantonese and are interested in joining the programme, leave us a message. We will see what we can do and we will definitely offer more programmes in English in the future.

Over half of the world have rice everyday. If we care about a few micrograms of substances inside our vaccine, we should definitely spend some time on our major staple food. Tales of Rice take us to look at a grain of rice in various perspectives. Over 6 sessions, we will spend 3 of them at a rice paddy field learning the basics of farming and experiencing important stages of rice cultivation. Half of the course will be online classes, where experienced scholars, educators and practioners share with us the history of rice cultivation, its present situation and explore its value in the future.

Rice Paddy Farming


Full course (6 sessions): $1,450 (10% Discount for 3-people Group Registration)

Farming only (3 sessions): $1,100

Seminars only (3 sessions): $650

Rice Paddy Farming: 3/7, 24/7, 31/7 (4:00-6:00pm)

Online Seminar: 8/7, 22/7, 5/8 (7:30-8:45pm)

Date and Time


Application Deadline


Instructors from Gift from Land project will introduce how a farm works, the life cycle of rice and teach us basic farming technique. We can participate in important stages of a rice paddy, such as field preparation, harvesting and threshing.


Gift from Land is a project sponsored by C. C. Wu Cultural & Education Foundation Fund, combining farming, education and art. The project started as an official programme under Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale held in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, with a group of farmers practising “permaculture” on a foreign land since 2015. Starting from 2018, this project has returned to its roots – Hong Kong. With the rice paddy at Lung A Pai, Tai Po, the project will explore the possibilities of organic farming and re-cultivating local rice, and organise various activities related to farming, education and art. 


Date: 3/7, 24/7, 31/7

Time: 4-6pm

Venue: Lung A Pai, Lam Tsuen, Tai Po

In case of adverse weather conditions, these days are reserved: 11/7, 31/7, 7/8

Online Seminar 2: The present

From food crisis, price, pollution to impact on biodiversity, the present situation of rice paddy and farmers will be discussed.


Date: 22/7 (Thu)

Time: 7:30pm - 8:45pm


Tam Man Kei, Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Anthropology, CUHK

Online Seminar 3: Farm as a School

Other than pure food production, what are the values of rice cultivation? The last session will focus on Rice cultivation and our future.


Date: 5/8 (Thu)

Time: 7:30pm - 8:45pm


Wu Ying Sau - Author of《種稻的人──香港稻米生產的技術與傳承》


Hui Po Keung - Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University

Chu Yiu Kwong - Author of Ploughman: A teacher's spiritual journey of weaving the web of life

Kitty Hung - Co-founder of Sangwoodgoon KID'S CLUB

Tales of Rice





Medium of Instruction

Date and Time

Rice Paddy Farming: 3/7、24/7、31/7 (4:00-6:00pm)

Online Seminar: 8/7、22/7、5/8 (7:30-8:45pm)


Full course (6 sessions): $1,450 (10% Discount for 3-people Group Registration)

Farming only (3 sessions): $1,100

Seminars only (3 sessions): $650

Application Deadline



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